Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fortune Telling.... NOT ACCURATE hahaz

Instructions:Turn on Windows Media Player/Winamp/whatever you useas MP3 and put it in shuffle mode. For every question, press "next song".Enter title to answer the question.Here are the questions:
1. How does the world see me? Ring Ring RIng... i look like a bellboy??
2. Will I have a happy life? 殘癈... har.... wahlao im short enuf le lor....
3. What do my friends really think of me? 花都開好了... HUH??
4. Do people secretly lust after me? 候鳥??.... i seriously dunno wad it means??...
5. How can you be happy? 痛快 ... Must really go Siao den an Happy... erm... true leh hahaz
6. What should I do with my life? 珊瑚海 -- Coral Art??... no money one leh
7. Why must life be so full of pain? I Still Believe-- Vivian Hsu and Cao Ge... Maybe i shud let go certain stuff hahaz
8. Will I ever have children? 天空 ... enuf to fill up e sky???
9. Will I die happy? No Promises.... Wah.. even my fortune cant answer tt one
10. What is some good advice for me? IOIO - SHE... ???????
11. What is happiness? 觸電... wah.... painful....
12. What's my favorite fetish? We Believe - Good CHarlotte.... Yah.. i like believing in ppl hahaz
13. How will I be remembered? 白色風車... nvm... its a nice song hahaz... i like...
14. What is your love life like? Stars Are Blind.... No COmments
15. What's your life motto?遇到.... The song keeps saying dun think too much... i shud use tt...
16. What do your parents think of you? 勾勾手 .... do i make alot of promises??
17.What's your favorite hobby?一眼萬年... I can see into the future hahaz....
18. What does your best friend really think of you? 你不在... OHNO.... i sahll call them now...
19. What's the worst thing about you? Miss Independent... Erm...... Huh??
20. Describe your mind. Welcome Home (You) - Brian Littrel..... Yah... im welcoming ppl into my life now hahaz
21. How will you die? 今天你要嫁给我... har... i dun wanna die in my wedding.... 22. How does your crush feel about you? 想忘了.. .wahlao wei.... im starting to dun like this test
23. What is your wedding going to be like? Dirty Little Secret......
24. What about your honeymoon? 牙关 .... That bad??
25. Describe the last day of your life? 恶作剧 ... im gonna get pranked and die on my wedding... haiz~~
26. Why does life suck? 眷恋... so true
27. Why does life rule? Goodbye My Love... kk.... wadever
28. What will you be famous for? Chemicals React.... Chem engineer??
29. What's the craziest thing you'll ever do? No One... im not crazy hahaz
30. Will you achieve your goals? You and Me.... Finally smthing shun er...
31. What will your future job be like? 波斯貓... Ohno.. i hate cats...
32. And your party life? 不想長大
33. Overall, will you be happy? 星光.. song abt hope... i better be shining like stars man....
34. Or will you just deal with it? I'm Feeling You... hahaz...


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